Doktorski študentje Fakultete za strojništvo, Univerze v Mariboru, z veseljem naznanjajo in vabijo na skupno konferenco Doktorskih študentov Poznan-Maribor. Namen konference je spodbujanje izmenjave idej med doktorskimi študenti Fakultete za strojništvo, Univerze v Mariboru, Fakultete za stroje in transport, Univerze za tehnologijo v Poznanu.
Konferenčni prispevki se bodo nanašali na naslednje teme: strojništvo, mehatronika, transport, proizvodno strojništvo, kmetijsko inženirstvo, logistika, energetika, motorna vozila in stroji ter motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem.
Dvodnevna konferenca bo vključevala verbalno predstavitev dosežkov in del udeleženih študentov (10-15 min). Zainteresirani študentje, ki želite predstavit svoja dela na konferenci, ste vljudno vabljeni k oddaji povzetkov del preko e-pošte na naslov: Povzetki morajo biti pripravljeni v skladu s predlogo: 2024_POZ-MAR_Template-EN.docx
Prejeti povzetki bodo objavljeni v konferenčnem zborniku.
Udeležba na konferenci je brezplačna!
Rok za oddajo povzetkov in registracijo: 31. marec 2024
PhD students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, are pleased to announce and invite you to the Joint PhD Students Conference Poznan - Maribor. The main aim of the conference is to promote exchange of ideas between PhD students.
The conference contributions shall address the following topics: mechanical engineering, mechatronics, transport engineering, industrial engineering, agricultural engineering, logistics, thermal engineering, motor vehicles and machines and internal combustion engines.
The two-day conference will include oral presentations from attending students interested in presenting their work (10-15 min). If you would like to present your work at the conference submit an abstract by e-mail to The abstracts should be prepared with abstract template: 2024_POZ-MAR_Template-EN.docx
The accepted abstracts will be published in a Book of Abstracts.
The attendance to the symposium is free of charge!
Deadline for receipt of abstracts and registration: March 31st, 2024