University of Maribor


Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.


Price list of services

Current price list of UCEM services


1. General

Quanta 200 3D

90 € + DDV

Quanta 200 3D + FIB

110 € + DDV

Quanta 200 3D + STEM

120 € + DDV

Sirion 400 NC + EDS

120 € + DDV


2. UM members for work on projects and programs financed or co-financed by ARRS

Quanta 200 3D

77 €

Quanta 200 3D + FIB

97 €

Quanta 200 3D + STEM

107 €

Sirion 400 NC + EDS

107 €


3. Other public research organizations for work on projects and programs financed or co-financed by ARRS

Quanta 200 3D

77 € + DDV

Quanta 200 3D + FIB

97 € + DDV

Quanta 200 3D + STEM

107 € + DDV

Sirion 400 NC + EDS

107 € + DDV

* Prices are valid for one (1) hour of work.


4. When performing work for projects at UM financed or co-financed by ARRS, the price is reduced by 10% (price under point 2 - 10%).

When working for projects of other public research institutes financed or co-financed by ARRS, the price is reduced by 10% (price under point 3 - 10%).

5. UCEM members have an additional 5% discount on prices applicable to UM.

6. Companies that have donated or paid for services to UCEM in the last five years in a total amount higher than € 50,000.00 also have an additional 5% discount.

7. The head of UCEM may grant an additional discount depending on the scope, complexity or specificity of the ordered services.

8. The price list is valid from 1.4.2010 until canceled.

UCEM Program Council