University of Maribor


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Quality at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Maribor, we are aware of the fact that the care for quality is a dynamic process of improvement that can never be wholly completed. In line with the vision and mission of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, we are developing a culture of quality at the Faculty and standing for the key values, such as academic responsibility, quality of the pedagogic and scientific and research work, high ethical standards, social responsibility...

The Dean is primarily responsible for implementing the system of quality and the functioning of the Faculty. In 2015, Dean Prof. Dr. Bojan Dolšak defined quality monitoring and development as one of the priorities in his work programme, and for the first time appointed a Vice Dean for Quality into the management team. In accordance with our fundamental vision of development, long-term orientations and main goals of the Faculty, we will be able to successfully follow and achieve the strategic goals on the field of quality. The goals and orientations mentioned above are:

  • to establish a transparent system for quality assurance, ensure integration and cohesion of all the stakeholders who cooperate in the processes of the Faculty’s work, and help increasing the quality;
  • to monitor the quality by carrying out regular yearly self-evaluations, occasional external and internal institutional evaluations, and programme evaluations;
  • to ensure the quality in all the crucial areas of the Faculty’s scope of work: education, research, management;
  • to permanently inform the public, raise motivation, and improve the relations between the employees.

The foundation for quality assurance are regular and systematic monitoring of the Faculty's work, analysis and reports, which are the basis for taking measurements for the quality rise, and for integrated planning of the Faculty’s functioning. This monitoring is based on the evaluations of all the activities of the Faculty. The reports contain data, analysis in all areas of activity, and assessment of the state.

The Faculty's Quality Assessment Commission is responsible for monitoring and determining the quality of the Faculty's activity, study programmes, scientific and research work, and for providing the annual self-evaluation report. The two main tasks of the commission are monitoring the implementation of the Faculty’s vision and development, and actively highlighting the opportunities to improve the work and raise the quality at a system level. The Faculty’s commission consists of 9 members, represented by professors/colleagues, students and non-teaching staff. The commission is responsible to the Senate of the Faculty to which it reports on a regular basis its findings, positions and proposals. Introducing, perfecting and implementing the mechanisms of quality assurance is a constant concern of everybody employed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

There has been much talk about the importance of quality in the past, but today it is one of the main criteria for achieving success and competitiveness.  A concern for quality is a fundamental value and guideline in all areas of our activity.

Vice Dean for Cooperation with Industry and Quality Assurance

red. prof. dr. Iztok PALČIČ

Room: J2-322

Phone: +386 (0)2 220 7636