University of Maribor


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Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
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+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.


Centre for Dyeing and Colour

The work of the centre is mainly focused on the cooperation with the profit organisations. We provide various services and support for the industry and small companies, performing different measurements on our equipment and consultations based on the results, as well as creating opinions and reports.


  • Analysis of L*a*b* colour values of materials according to CIE standard, measuring of whiteness according to different formulas, and determination of UV protective factor. 
  • Measuring of reflectance/transmission/absorbance of materials in UV/Vis/NIR area from wavelengths 250 up to 2200 nm. 
  • Conventional analyses and testing of textile materials (fibres, yarns, flat textiles):

Ponudba_analiz_brez_cenika_IIMO_SLO_24.3.2023.pdf according to different standards.

  • Analysis and planning of classic and latest dyeing and finishing processes.