University of Maribor


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Academic Council of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Academic Councils of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are composed of university teachers, researchers, research assistants and higher education associates, regardless of the title, who are employed at the University of Maribor and perform their scientific or pedagogical obligations in at least 25 percent at this member, as well as students, so that their number is at least one fifth of the Academic Board members.

Other employees also participate in the work of the Academic Councils of the University Member, so that their number is at least one fifth of the members of the Academic Councils. Other employees participate in the consideration of those issues which relate to the rights and duties of other employees of the University Member.

The number of student members in the Academic Councils and the number of other employees of the University Members who participate in the work of the Academic Councils are determined by the Dean of the University Member by a resolution based on the number of all members of the Academic Councils.

Academic Councils of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
-    elect Senates of university members;
-    elect Management Boards of University members on the proposal of the Dean of the University Member;
-    discuss and adopt development programmes of university members;
-    discuss the report on the activities of university members and submit proposals; and initiatives to the Senat of university member;
-    discusses and accepts the mission, vision, strategic plan and development goals of the University Member
-    perform other tasks laid down in this Statute.

The Academic Council elects its chairman and vice-charman, from its members.

Charman of the Academic Council: Full Prof. Dr. Jure Ravnik
Vice-Charman of the Academic Council: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mirko Ficko


Charman of the Academic Council

Full Prof. Dr. Jure RAVNIK

Room: J2-401

Telephone: +386 (2) 220 7745

Vice-Charman of the Academic Council

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mirko FICKO

Room: B-310

Telephone: +386 (2) 220 7595