University of Maribor


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The faculty of Mechanical Engineering has existed as a scientific, research and educational institution for more than six decades.

We are educating students in undergraduate study (1. cycle) programmes Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Environmental Engineering, Textile Design Technologies and Design and Textile Materials as well in master study (2. cycle) programmes Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Environmental Engineering, Product Design and Design and Textile materials. We also offer doctoral study (3. cycle) programmes: Doctoral School FS and Industrial Engineering.

The constantly increasing cooperation with the industry requires an adequate scientific and research orientation of the faculty since our research results have been transferred to different fields of the Slovenian industry.

The faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the most successful members of the University of Maribor in terms of the number of students, their success rate, the number of graduates at all levels, exceptional scope of the scientific and research project work, extensive cooperation with the industry, excellent laboratory equipment, internationally renowned lecturers and an exceptionally well-organised international exchange and collaboration.

Our faculty has a clear vision of its development, primarily based on the quality of all our activities (education, science and research, development and cooperation with the environment) and on the results of successful evaluation and accreditation of all our study programmes. We invite young generations (high school students) to enrol in our prospective undergraduate programmes. We are glad that the interest in our study programmes has been continually growing, also due to the extremely high employment opportunities of our graduates.

The rapid economic growth of our country and the modernization of equipment and technological and production processes require new experts equipped with extensive knowledge and guaranteed jobs.