University of Maribor


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Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.



According to the statute of the University of Maribor, the Student Council is the only representative of the opinions and interests of all students of the Faculty. It solves problems related to students and strives for the well-being of students. The Student Council is a link between the Faculty (University) and students and through it students can participate in the bodies of the Faculty, give their opinions, suggestions and comments on individual issues, so that our voice is present always and everywhere.

The main functions of the Student Council are dealing with study issues and solving students' problems within the study process.

Student Councils of university members:

-    discuss and formulate opinions concerning general, principal and specific issues related to students' rights and obligations;
-    elect their representatives to the Student Council of the University:
-    formulate opinions concerning candidates for Deans or candidates for directors (in the event of other university members)
-    perform other tasks if so stipulated by the law, this Statute or other general acts of the University.

What is our role?

The Student Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is the highest and only representative body of students at the Faculty. On behalf of students, we give opinions on the promotion of professors, control and conduct student surveys, solve small and large problems, deal with your rights and represent you in the FS Senate, the FS Academic Councils and other commissions. In the last academic year, the student opinion on the pedagogical work of professors and assistants has gained enormous importance. This means that if the Student Council gives a negative opinion on the work of an individual professor or assistant, the procedure for his/her election is stopped, as is also the case if the professor does not meet the criteria for election. Which means students ’opinions are equal to others.

How are the elections conducted?

Regular elections to the Student Council are publicly called by the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs of UM, usually in the first half of the academic year. The members of the Student Council and the president of the study year are elected on the basis of universal and equal suffrage in general, direct and secret elections from among the students of each study year, graduates and postgraduate students. Every student of the Faculty who has the status of a UM student on the day of voting has the right to vote and be elected. Student Council meetings are usually held once a month. Participation in the Student Council at the level of an individual faculty is honorary.

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs


Room: B-101