University of Maribor


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Lifelong Learing Center

The Center for Lifelong Learning at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was established within the project "Introduction of a Supportive Environment for Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Engineering," funded by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and the European Union from the EU Next Generation fund. This project is part of the European Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). The project runs from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2025.
The Center's premises are located in Building B, in the former printing office, room B-109.

Vision of the Center

Vision of the Center

At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, an innovative knowledge hub has emerged - the Center for Lifelong Learning. This dynamic unit represents not only a support service but also a catalyst for new ideas and a crucial tool for building bridges between the faculty and the external environment. It drives the connection, creation, and transfer of knowledge between the educational environment and the industry.
At the core of this story stands the vision of the Center for Lifelong Learning, which rests on four pillars. The first pillar positions the Center as a promoter of STEAM careers, where various events inspire young people, help them decide on their studies, and open doors to the world of science, green technologies, sustainable engineering, design, and mathematics. This is not just education; it's an experience that shapes decisions and inspires future generations of professionals.
The second pillar focuses on supporting the career development of current students. With short training sessions tailored to their needs and desires, the Center enriches their foundational knowledge. It highlights topics such as environmental awareness and other skills that go beyond narrow professional fields, broadening the horizons of future mechanical engineers.
The third pillar, micro-credentials, is a bridge between the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the environment. The Center provides companies and their employees with the opportunity to acquire key knowledge through pilot training programs tailored to their professional needs. This creates a vibrant dynamic where new insights not only emerge from the academic environment but also actively return to the faculty, reflecting the needs of the modern labor market. This is not just knowledge transfer; it is a living link between the university environment and the reality of professional life.
The fourth pillar is an open invitation to a diverse world of knowledge, unrestricted by specific fields. It welcomes individuals who want to upgrade their knowledge, discover new paths, or simply follow their curiosity. The Center for Lifelong Learning advocates for the inclusion of all who feel a yearning for knowledge. Its Fourth Pillar symbolizes unity, where diverse individuals meet, each with their own story, but all united in the desire for continuous discovery and learning.
In this vision carried by the Center for Lifelong Learning, it not only supports the development of new forms of training for those entering the faculty but also serves as a companion and mentor to those already on their educational journey and to those who wish to return with new knowledge or embark on a journey to acquire new skills. The Faculty, with its Center for Lifelong Learning, creates a space where knowledge does not stop but continuously evolves and is transferred between generations, shaping careers and creating sustainable bridges between the academic and business worlds.


About the project Green2Eng

About the project Green2Eng

The project "Introduction of a Supportive Environment for Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Engineering," with the acronym Green2Eng, is being carried out at the faculty from October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2025. Sustainable projects in the real world are interdisciplinary, so within the pilot project, experts from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FS) and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNM) will collaborate. The goal is to transfer skills in sustainable engineering, such as critical thinking and a critical approach to environmental issues, social competences, communication and collaboration skills, along with social, economic, and environmental responsibility, into the broader society, especially into the professional careers of engineering students and practicing engineers.
An interdisciplinary educational path will be created with the help of a flexible supportive environment for lifelong learning in sustainable engineering. The main result of the Green2Eng pilot project will be the introduction of a supportive environment system at FS for lifelong learning in sustainable engineering in the form of courses leading to the acquisition of micro-credentials. The course content will be tailored to the needs of the industry, and a mechanism will be established for quickly adapting to the current and future needs of the labor market.




Micro-credentials are recorded learning outcomes acquired through short-term learning, equipping individuals with specific knowledge, skills, and competencies aimed at the social, personal, and cultural needs of the labor market.
University-level micro-credentials are particularly beneficial for individuals who wish to:

  • Upgrade their knowledge without completing a full higher education program, or
  • Enhance or retrain their skills to meet labor market demands or advance professionally after entering the workforce.

Micro-credentials can be integrated as smaller components of study programs or obtained through shorter, standalone training courses tailored to the needs of various professionals, managers, or employer associations. This supports the professional, academic, or personal development of individuals.


The Contribution of Micro-credentials

Micro-credentials represent a key milestone in the shaping of learning and knowledge acquisition, bringing numerous positive impacts on society as a whole. Their contributions will encompass several key aspects that will aid in the development and adaptation of educational systems and enable a more effective response to the needs of the modern labor market.

Firstly, micro-credentials will play a crucial role in upgrading and acquiring specific skills and knowledge for individuals. This will directly address the skills gap in the labor market, where rapidly changing company needs require continuous adaptation and acquisition of new knowledge.

Secondly, micro-credentials will promote lifelong learning, which is becoming a critical component in an era of constant change. This will allow individuals, regardless of their starting position or current career path, to continue developing their careers and personal knowledge.

Thirdly, the micro-credentials system will increase accessibility to education. Whether it’s for those already working who wish to upgrade their skills or for those who have never studied, micro-credentials will enable knowledge acquisition in smaller, tailored formats, thus providing greater access to education for everyone.

Overall, micro-credentials will bring positive changes to the educational landscape, reflecting the needs of modern society and the labor market, contributing to a more flexible, accessible, and effective education system for all.
Faculties will prepare micro-credentials with an emphasis on several key points, including:

  • Professional Development: The development of micro-credentials will be based on the continuous professional development of faculty staff. This will ensure the latest information and approaches in specific fields are included in the micro-credentials.
  • Labor Market Needs Analysis: Faculties will conduct thorough analyses of labor market needs to ensure that micro-credentials are tailored to the current demands of the industry.
  • Tailoring Learning Outcomes: The learning outcomes of micro-credentials will be carefully tailored to reflect the specific knowledge and skills sought by employers.
  • Experts with Practical Experience: The preparation of micro-credentials will involve experts with practical experience in their respective fields, ensuring a practical approach to learning.
  • E-Learning: Faculties will implement e-learning, allowing participants to access materials and lectures online, increasing accessibility and adaptability of the learning process.
  • Use of Interactive Methods: Faculties will introduce interactive methods and tools to provide modern learning experiences and enhance the effective transfer of knowledge.

With these approaches, faculties will ensure that micro-credentials are relevant, high-quality, and focused on the professional development of participants.


Target Groups

Micro-credentials are suitable for various target groups, including:

  • Those who have never studied (completed secondary or vocational school) and are already working in companies.
  • Dropouts – individuals who did not complete their studies.
  • Graduates (seeking to acquire additional specific knowledge, directors, employees in companies, alumni, etc.).
  • Students (who wish to gain additional knowledge for an easier transition to the labor market).

Micro-credentials are designed to cater to these groups by providing flexible and relevant learning opportunities that enhance skills and knowledge, thereby improving employability and career prospects.


Contact information

Contact information


Eneja Kovačič, univ. dipl. ekon., Head of Center for Lifelong Learning

Room: B-109
Phone: +386 2 220 7700

Matevž Šmajs, dipl. inž. med. kom. (UN)

Room: B-109
Phone: +386 2 220 7507

