University of Maribor


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Strategic Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor

At the initiative of the economy, members of the Alumni Association and the management of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the FS Strategic Council was formed in early 2014, consisting mainly of experts and leading individuals from the economy. The compatibility of the economy and educational programs aimed at the development of the profession is crucial for a cost-effective economy. The purpose of the Strategic Council is to contribute to the development and modernization of study content that the economy needs, and to harmonize the needs of the economy and the guidelines for the development of the profession with the vision and goals of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

The members of the Strategic Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for a term of two years, from 26th February 2024 to 25th February 2026, are:

-    Prof. dr. Iztok PALČIČ, Vice-Dean for Cooperation with Industry and Quality Assurance, FME Coordinator,
-    Assist. Prof. dr. Matej ZADRAVEC, Vice-Dean for Studies, Member,
-    dr. David GREIF, AVL-AST, d. o. o., Maribor, Member,
-    mag. Iva MLINŠEK LEŠNIK, WEILER ABRASIVES, d.o.o., Maribor, Member,
-    Aljaž SEČNJAK, BHS Hišni aparati, d. o. o., Nazarje, Member,
-    dr. Tomaž BREGAR, Gorenje d. d., Velenje, Member,
-    Vladimir POGAČ, Turna d. o. o., Šoštanj, Member,
-    Leon PEKOŠAK, Konus Konex d.o.o. Slovenske Konjice, Member,
-    Andrej POKLIČ, GKN Dreveline Slovenija d. o. o., Zreče, Member,
-    mag. Avgust ŠIBILA, Talum d.d., Kidričevo, Member,
-    mag. Alenka ERKER LOZINŠEK, Dravske elektrarne Maribor, d. o. o., Maribor, Member,
-    dr. Tatjana FULDER, Arcont, d. d., Member,
-    dr. Simon REČNIK, Lek, farmacevtska družba d. d., Lendava, Member,
-    Emir OSMANOVIĆ, Mega-Metal d.o.o., Ruše, Member,
-    Damjan TEHOVNIK, Odelo Slovenija, d. o. o., Prebold, Member,
-    Anton ZUPANČIČ, Systemair, d. o. o., Šoštanj, Member,
-    Prof. dr. Niko SAMEC, predsednik Alumni FS, Member,
-    Iztok GORNJAK, namestnik predsednika Alumni FS, Member.


Vice-Dean for Education

Prof. dr. Iztok Palčič

Room: J2-322

Phone: +386 (0)2 220 7636

Mobile phone: +386 (51) 677 328